Revamp, Recruit, Retain: Build a Better Board Program

Date(s) - September 12, 2022

Fee: Sliding scale of $999-1299 (monthly payment plan available)
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Ready to build an engaged nonprofit board that better reflects the community you serve?

Start here with Hedgehog + Fox Collaborative’s three-month, intimate group coaching experience that leads you step-by-step through revamping your board recruitment and retention practices, attracting a talented and diverse applicant pool, and getting your new board members ready to dive in on day one.

When you join the Build a Better Board program, you’ll…

  • Develop a clear, easy-to-follow plan for recruiting and retaining a talented board of directors that reflects the community you serve. You’ll feel confident that your nonprofit not only deserves amazing board members, but you can find them and invite them to join your board.
  • Try new approaches to board recruitment that will ensure you can attract a diverse pool of candidates. This includes openly, broadly, and confidently advertising board positions; eliminating giving requirements; offering multiple ways for community members to apply according to their needs; and more! 
  • Find board members who are passionate, engaged individuals. They’ll have the knowledge, skills, values, and lived experiences to best support the organization in pursuing its mission, achieving its vision, and getting the resources it needs to thrive.
  • Be clear about your board’s role and how to help potential board members understand what’s expected of them. They’ll be focused on the big picture, and they’ll respect the boundaries between board and staff responsibilities. 
  • Evaluate board candidates effectively and inclusively. And if someone’s not right for the role? You’ll know how to respectfully thank them for their enthusiasm and decline their application. 
  • Warmly welcome new board members, providing them with an inspiring orientation and onboarding process. They’ll be ready to dive in and share their expertise from day one.

Our program offers three ways for you to learn and bring your board recruitment efforts to the next level. By combining a self-paced curriculum with one-on-one coaching and peer support, you’ll be able to create an approach to board recruitment and retention that is unique to your nonprofit organization’s needs and values. The program includes:

  • 9-Step Curriculum designed to revamp your board recruitment practices, attract a talented applicant pool, and orient and support your new board members
  • Dozens of short, self-paced videos accessible at any time
  • Worksheets, processes, and templates
  • Online community exclusively for Build a Better Board students to offer peer support and expertise
  • 6 Live Virtual Group Coaching Calls during 12-week Program
  • 1 One-on-One SOS Coaching Session you can use at anytime during 12-week Program

The Build a Better program is for you if…

  • You currently serve as a nonprofit Executive Director, Board President, or Chair of a Nominating & Governance Committee (or equivalent). We want you to be able to take what you’re learning and immediately apply it to your work.
  • You value diversity, inclusion, and equity across race, ethnicity, age, gender, education, socioeconomic status, and more. This value is essential to shaking up the status quo and building a board that reflects the community you serve. You don’t have to know everything, you just have to have the willingness to learn more and do better.
  • You have a positive mindset about nonprofit boards in general and appreciate the value a group of passionate, engaged individuals can bring to your organization. Working with a volunteer board is tricky, challenging, and even frustrating at times. This is a safe space to vent, but if you’re completely cynical about board leadership, then we’re not a match.
  • You’re willing to engage in collaborative learning with other nonprofit leaders. This is a competition-free zone.

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