Nonprofit Earned Income: The Tangled Web of its Possibilities and Promise

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Date(s) - April 12, 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


Fee: Free
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Please join us on April 12 as the Nonprofit Financial Commons presents the first of a series of seminars on the 5 most common nonprofit business models. It is fitting that earned income be the first of these since fee for services dominates the nonprofit revenue landscape at more than a trillion dollars annually.

Participants will learn:

  1. To recognize types of earned income efforts among nonprofits;
  2. What is related and unrelated business income, and why it matters beyond tax implications;
  3. How to approach the mitigation of risk;
  4. What levels and types of infrastructure are needed; and
  5. Where capital for such efforts might come from.
  6. To understand the extra infrastructure required for subsidized fee for service activity.

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