Website United Ways of Vermont
United Ways of Vermont (UWVT) is seeking a visionary collaborative leader to serve in the Executive Director role. United Ways of Vermont strives to offer high quality health and human services information and referral statewide through a network of regional partners. Vermont 211 is a service available to any Vermonter, regardless of income level, assisting with a variety of needs; from help with utilities or housing access to employment services or support for seniors and veterans. Vermont 211’s network is poised for its next growth phase, with opportunities to expand its services and impact. The ED leverages the power of relationships and networks to ensure the effectiveness of UWVT’s programs. The ED is skilled in business and organizational management and effectively leverages resources and generates financial support from various sources. The Executive Director is dedicated to shared and measurable goals for the common good and promotes diversity and inclusion.
To apply for this job please visit vermont211.org.