Connect. Learn. Thrive.
Common Good Vermont believes that Vermont’s nonprofit organizations are part of a larger social economy designed to improve the well-being of our people and environment. Vermont’s nonprofit sector impacts every single resident of Vermont.
Common Good Vermont is the only statewide program in Vermont dedicated to uniting and strengthening all of our mission-driven organizations. Common Good Vermont serves as the “go to” resource for our peers to share resources, gain skills, and build partnerships. This work is made possible through meaningful collaboration with many local, regional and state leaders.
We Seek: A thriving nonprofit sector able to contribute to the well-being of Vermont.
We focus on increasing the leadership, accountability, sustainability and advocacy capacity of our fellow nonprofits and allies. If we are successful:
- Vermont’s nonprofit sector will be regarded as efficient, effective and essential.
- Vermont nonprofit staff, board and supporters will have easy and affordable access to mission-critical resources.
Brief History
Common Good Vermont was launched in 2008 with the support of the Vermont Community Foundation and the A.D. Henderson Foundation, to meet the capacity building needs of the state’s nonprofit community and to strengthen the network of staff, board, consultants and allies working on Vermont’s behalf.
Inspired by the previous work of the Vermont Association of Nonprofit Organizations (VANPO) and The Future of Vermont’s Nonprofit Sector: A Framework for Stewardship and Success (Grafton Conference, 2007), we serve a sector of over 4500 nonprofits who attend events, share resources, subscribe to regular communications, and lead us into the future.
In 2021, Common Good Vermont joined forces with United Way of Northwest Vermont as a fully merged statewide program. Together, we work as one to advance the common good for all by strengthening Vermont’s nonprofit sector.
Common Good Vermont is a statewide program of
United Way of Northwest Vermont.