Chittenden County Homeless Alliance Letter of Advocacy and Call to Action

Due to new limits on the State’s Emergency Housing Program, hundreds of households across the state will be forced out of shelter in motels. The Chittenden County Homeless Alliance, alongside United Way of Northwest Vermont and others, advocates for continuous shelter for vulnerable households and adequate funding to respond to the fall-out of failed policies.

Join us in this call to action to ensure stable, affordable, and safe housing is a human right in Vermont.

What can you do?

  • Talk to everyone you know about the importance of ensuring vulnerable Vermonters have access to the resources, shelter, and services they need to rebuild their lives
  • Connect with the Chittenden County Homeless Alliance and the Housing and Homelessness Alliance of Vermont to learn about and add your voice to local and statewide advocacy
  • Contact your legislators and demand adequate funding for non-profits who are performing this on-the-ground work
  • Attend municipal planning meetings and raise your voice for a shift in regulations which inhibit the growth of affordable housing development
  • Advocate for expansion of residential treatment for mental health and substance abuse treatment options, and for transitional recovery housing options

To sign your organization on to this letter, please email [email protected].