Board Series (3 sessions)

Date(s) - September 15, 2023 - September 29, 2023
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Fee: $75/$200
Register at:

Common Good VT is pleased to share this webinar hosted by Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits at a discounted rate. Please email [email protected] with questions about this event.

Based on both our BootCamp for Boards and BoardSource’s Board Building Cycle, Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits’ new Board Series highlights the central best practices of building and maintaining a healthy board of directors for any nonprofit.

The Board Series is designed to lead participants through the process of board recruitment, engagement, and renewal in 3 separate, 1.5 hour sessions. The Series will be offered once a week for three weeks, with each session led by board governance experts. The sessions can be bundled and taken as a whole (over the three-week period) or individually (through single sessions), allowing your organization flexibility in its approach to board training. You choose if your leaders and directors will take the whole Series or instead focus on specific areas of need and development.

09/15 Session 1: Recruitment

In the first session of the Series, we focus on the steps to recruit a diverse, talented board. We cover creating and using a board matrix to identify gaps on the board, ways to cultivate a pool of strong candidates, and methods for vetting, preparing, and nominating new members.

Resources: Board Matrix, board member job description sample,

09/22 Session 2: Engagement

In the second session of the Series, we explore ways to genuinely engage and involve board members in governance rooted in the mission. We detail a holistic orientation process, concrete ways to involve new and seasoned board members, and topics for continuing education and development.

Resources: board handbook sample, training topic examples

09/29 Session 3: Renewal

In the final session of the Series, we champion the importance of embracing new ideas and energy. We offer two kinds of assessments to support evaluation processes and also ways to rotate (and even remove) board members. Last but not least, we discuss methods to celebrate success along the way.

Resources: individual board member assessment, whole board assessment, sample bylaws/term limits.

Registration Instructions: Use the code OKCNP23 to register at the discounted rate. Register for individual sessions or the whole series.

Register Here