Funding Available for Organizations and Programs Supporting Vermont Women and Girls

Funding is now available from the Vermont Women’s Fund at the Vermont Community Foundation for programs that seek to address systemic barriers to economic well-being, and those that recognize the disproportionate impact of these barriers on women and girls by race, gender identity, sexuality, class, age, and ability.

The competitive grant program will award grants of up to $15,000 for proposals that:

  • Make pathways to economic well-being more visible, accessible, and affordable for all women and girls
  • Invest in the economic security and career prospects of women especially those earning less than a living wage
  • Advance strategies that address systemic barriers to economic well-being and thriving in Vermont
  • Enhance the capacity of the organization to achieve its mission and stated values

The Vermont Women’s Fund awards single or multi-year grants that support programmatic expenses for pilot or established programs and/or general operating costs. It is committed to addressing the needs of women and girls across all areas of the state and prioritizing statewide geographical representation. The fund will also be attentive to projects or programs that engage with the arts.

In 2024, the Vermont Women’s Fund distributed $365,180 to 36 Vermont organizations. Those grantees reflect the fund’s mission to advance gender equity and justice. To view the list of 2024 grant recipients, visit

The Vermont Women’s Fund, a component fund of the Vermont Community Foundation, was established in 1994 as an enduring resource for our state’s women and girls. The fund remains the largest philanthropic resource dedicated exclusively to this mission. A council of people from around Vermont advises the fund and participates in its grantmaking, fundraising, and leadership work.

Nonprofits may apply online at any time. Applications will be accepted through March 4, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Visit to learn more about the Vermont Women’s Fund, its mission, and grantmaking.

The Vermont Community Foundation was established in 1986 as an enduring source of philanthropic support for Vermont communities. A family of more than 1,000 funds, foundations, and supporting organizations, the Foundation makes it easy for the people who care about Vermont to find and fund the causes they love. The Community Foundation and its partners put more than $60 million annually to work in Vermont communities and beyond. The heart of its work is closing the opportunity gap—the divide that leaves too many Vermonters struggling to get ahead, no matter how hard they work. The Community Foundation envisions Vermont at its best—where everyone can build a bright, secure future. Visit or call 802-388-3355 for more information.