Funding Available to Support Vermont’s LGBTQ+ Communities through the Samara Fund

Funding is now available through the Samara Fund, a group of queer and trans Vermonters committed to a vision of transformational grants and scholarships to the people and groups throughout Vermont who demonstrate their dedication to the empowerment, health, and safety of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV positive (LGBTQ+) people.

The Samara Fund will accept applications for LGBTQ+ led projects and organizations in Vermont. Funding for 2024 will be guided by the Samara Fund’s values that include:

  • Being anti-racist and anti-oppressive by practicing intersectionality, power-shifting, and transformative justice both internally and externally. This includes being proudly trans-inclusive in every level of Samara’s work
  • Being transparent with the community and funders about how Samara works
  • Queering fundraising and redistributing wealth for a bigger impact on the Vermont LGBTQ+ community
  • Prioritizing accessibility, gratitude, and accountability while queering Samara’s work to make it fun, connective, and sustainable

With these values in mind, the Samara Fund’s priorities for the 2024 grantmaking cycle include:

  • Queer and trans-led projects and organizations
  • Projects that center, are led by, and/or prioritize BIPOC and/or trans Vermonters
  • Elders and youth
  • Queers with disabilities
  • Work that is harm reduction (including HIV/AIDS prevention and advocacy)
  • Projects meaningfully working beyond Chittenden County
  • Smaller budget projects
  • Long-term projects

Samara offers four distinct types of grant funding: general organizational support, project-specific support, emergent support for organizations (unplanned needs), and sponsorship of queer events. Samara also offers scholarships to Vermont LGBTQ+ youth, which is a separate process through Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC).

Nonprofits or community groups may apply at any time this summer for up to $5,000. Applications will be accepted through 5 p.m. Tuesday, August 27, 2024. Emergent and sponsorship funding is available year-round as long as funds last. Visit to learn more and apply.

The Vermont Community Foundation was established in 1986 as an enduring source of philanthropic support for Vermont communities. A family of more than 1,000 funds, foundations, and supporting organizations, the Foundation makes it easy for the people who care about Vermont to find and fund the causes they love. The Community Foundation and its partners put more than $60 million annually to work in Vermont communities and beyond. The heart of its work is closing the opportunity gap—the divide that leaves too many Vermonters struggling to get ahead, no matter how hard they work. The Community Foundation envisions Vermont at its best—where everyone can build a bright, secure future. Visit or call 802-388-3355 for more information.