Watershed Project Coordinator

  • Full Time
  • Washington County
  • $52,000 to $55,000 USD / Year

Website Friends of the Mad River

Join Friends of the Mad River as the Watershed Project Coordinator to help support clean water, protect ecological integrity, and build resilience in our watershed community. Work with our team to coordinate a wide range of project types, from riparian buffer restoration to green stormwater infrastructure.

Position Specifics: This is a full-time temporary position, funded by grants for up to 2 years. Continuation of the position is contingent on the successful development of projects. Starting salary $52 – $55,000. Benefits include sick leave, paid vacation & holidays, retirement plan, HSA contribution, & professional development.

The full position and directions to apply can be seen at friendsofthemadriver.org/jobs.

To apply for this job please visit www.friendsofthemadriver.org.