Common Good VT is partnering with the Lake Champlain Chamber to share the following Action Alert regarding upcoming legislation related to unemployment insurance. The bill, S10, increases state benefits while resting financial burden on nonprofits and other employers in the state.
Learn more and take action today:

UI Bill Action Alert
The Vermont Senate is about to pass a bill that will dramatically increase state unemployment benefits despite the federal government providing additional benefits to claimants. The marginal benefit of this change will be very small for those on unemployment, however the marginal cost to business owners will be very large.
Want to help with advocacy efforts? Here are a few things you can do:
- Learn more from this factsheet created by the LCC advocacy team and partners.
- Share the points on this sheet with your Senators and Representative(s) and explain how this bill will affect you.
- Still not sure how to contact them or what to say? Sign up for our briefing and workshop on this issue today, Wednesday, at 2:30 p.m.
- Not able to make that time? Schedule a quick call with our advocacy team here.