2019 Requests for Proposals for Infrastructure and Child Nutrition Grants Announced

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets Farm to School Program released the 2019 Requests for Proposals for Infrastructure and Child Nutrition Grants on October 2, 2018. The VAAFM Farm to School team is seeking applications from eligible Vermont-based schools and early care providers to expand and improve food programs and/or to create or expand farm to school programs by integrating the classroom, cafeteria, and community (the 3 C’s of farm to school). Grantees best achieve this when they take a holistic approach to incorporating the 3 C’s of farm to school into their program. Together, the 3 C’s support healthy children, healthy agriculture, and healthy communities.
Up to seven Farm to School Child Nutrition applications will be awarded at $15,000 each, to be spent during a 2-year grant period, with additional comprehensive technical assistance, professional development and coaching, offered at no charge to grantees. Additionally, up to $32,000 will be available in $1,000 Infrastructure Grants to help schools and early care providers improve local food use.
Learn more at the program website.