2023 in Numbers – Thank You for a Year of Engagement and Growth

2023 was a year of challenges for Vermont’s communities. Navigating post-pandemic changes and rallying around the aftermath of the flood has put significant strain on a lot of nonprofit organizations in our state.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your participation and engagement throughout the year. We appreciate your interest and support in our advocacy, learning, and convening opportunities; it has been a year of growth, transition, and expanding of our programming, network, and reach for us. Your dedication and commitment to learning and advocating to advance our sector and our missions have been truly inspiring.

To put some numbers behind this growth, we’re excited to share the following with all of you:

We are immensely grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your educational journey. Your active involvement in our programs and courses has contributed to a vibrant and dynamic learning community. Your enthusiasm and willingness to explore new ideas have created an environment of growth and collaboration.

We appreciate the valuable feedback and suggestions you have shared with us, which have helped us enhance our offerings and improve the learning experience for all participants. Your input has been instrumental in shaping the future direction of our work.

Thank you for your active participation, your work in your organizations, and for being an integral part of our community.

We look forward to continuing this journey with you in the coming year and we are excited to bring you new and innovative learning opportunities.

We want to thank our partners and participants, our advocates, supporters, and sponsors for informing our work, engaging in conversations, and joining us in our efforts to raise the voice of our sector.