The good news is that the House and Senate proposals, which would instead increase funding for the NEA and NEH, are strongly supported on a bipartisan basis. In fact, record numbers of members signed letters earlier this year calling for a minimum of $155 million for each agency, which is met in the House and Senate bills. Now, House members will be held to account with this upcoming floor vote this week.
What’s Rep. Grothman’s rationale?
He repeated terribly misguided and tired arguments (like “private charities should do this work,” “it’s a local government role solely,” “we can’t afford it,” and “cutting arts spending is looking out for our children and grandchildren”) that just don’t stand up. Check out ten reasons to support the arts and share with your friends.
Americans for the Arts and the Arts Action Fund will be working throughout the day to sound the alarm on this amendment which aims to weaken our nation’s cultural agencies. This amendment is a key vote to allow members of Congress to show their support for the arts by voting no!
Take two minutes to weigh in now and ask you representative to vote no on the Grothman amendment this week during floor consideration of the House Interior bill.