Thank you to our state and federal partners for providing information and resources to help Vermont nonprofits. Common Good Vermont will update this page as more resources and information become available.
2023 Flooding Impact Questionnaire: Share your organization’s story! Click Here.
Nonprofit Information & Resources
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- Local Information & Guides
- Funding & Disaster Relief for Nonprofits
- Upcoming Events & Training
- Response, Recovery, & Preparedness Resources
- Giving & Volunteering Information
- News & Policy
Local Information & Guides
- Report Damage: Fill out the State of Vermont Property Damage Report Form or call “211” ext. 5: Community Resources (It is critical to use this form to report damages and give permission to share your information with volunteers/case managers to get assistance. This information will be presented to FEMA – the more forms completed, the greater the chance VT will qualify for FEMA assistance).
- State of Vermont Flood Resource Page
- VBSR Flood Recovery Guide for Businesses (and nonprofits)
- VTSBDC Flood 2023 Steps to Assessing and Reporting Damage
- VT Disaster Recovery Guide (and workbook) for Businesses
- IRS announces victims of flooding in Vermont that began on July 7, 2023, now have until Nov. 15, 2023, to file various individual and business tax returns and make tax payments.
- Public Service Videos in up to 17 Different Languages from Vermont Language Justice Project
- Vermont Arts Council Flood Disaster Resources for Arts and Culture Organizations
- United Way NWVT Mental Health Resources for 2023 VT Flood
- Unemployment Claims & Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)
UPDATED DEADLINE** September 29, 2023 — To apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance.- Employees: DUA is a federal program designed to help people who lost their jobs because of a natural disaster. This program gives temporary money to those who don’t qualify for regular unemployment benefits. Learn more and file benefit claims HERE.
- Employers:
- Employers do not need to contact the Department of Labor when laying off employees. Employees can contact the Department of Labor’s Unemployment Insurance Claims Center at 877-214-3330, Mon-Fri or online.
- Employers WILL be billed for claims related to flooding. VT DOL may be able to relieve up to 4 weeks of claims related to the disaster for employers that pay UI taxes. This is likely not the case for reimbursable employers.
Funding & Disaster Relief for Nonprofits
- VCF Storms and Flooding Relief Funding (Special & Urgent Needs)
- Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program
The Department of Economic Development has created the Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program (BEGAP). This $20 million grant program is for businesses and nonprofits that suffered physical damages from flooding dating back to July 7, 2023. Applicants must intend on restoring, reopening, and bringing their employees back to work as soon as possible and will utilize these grant funds for that purpose.
Applications will be approved on a rolling basis until all funds are expended. Learn more & apply here. - Low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration
- The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offers two different loans, Physical Disaster Loans and Economic Injury Loans. Eligibility is determined by county.
- Physical Disaster Loans: Organizations in Caledonia, Chittenden, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland, Washington, Windham, and Windsor Counties are eligible for physical disaster loans from the SBA.
UPDATED DEADLINE** October 12, 2023 — To apply for a Small Business Administration (SBA) Home and Personal Property Loan or a Business Physical Disaster Loan. Both of these loans cover physical damage. - Economic Injury Loans: Organizations in Addison, Bennington, Caledonia, Chittenden, Essex, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland, Washington, Windham, and Windsor Counties are eligible for economic injury disaster loans. The deadline to apply for an economic injury disaster loan is April 15, 2024.
- You can apply online, over the phone or in-person. If you go on the SBA’s web site, be sure to apply under SBA declaration #18016. If you call, the number is 1-800-659-2955. Or visit one of Vermont’s three SBA Recovery Centers to talk about your options. Their locations and hours are listed on the ACCD Storm Recovery Resource Center.
- ACCD is encouraging businesses and nonprofits to apply for SBA loans. If the SBA offers you a loan and you don’t like it, you can always turn it down. But you can’t turn down a loan you didn’t apply for, so please take the time to register and apply
- Physical Disaster Loans: Organizations in Caledonia, Chittenden, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland, Washington, Windham, and Windsor Counties are eligible for physical disaster loans from the SBA.
- SBA further clarifies non-profit eligibility
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is offering additional guidance for private nonprofits seeking SBA loans and FEMA assistance. They are making available additional low-interest loans for certain private nonprofits in Bennington, Orange, and Washington Counties. Eligible private nonprofits provide what the SBA considers non-critical services of a governmental nature including food kitchens, homeless shelters, libraries, and more. Here is the process:- Private nonprofits must first apply for regular disaster assistance from the SBA.
- Private nonprofits in Bennington, Orange and Washington Counties can then apply for additional low-interest loans.
- All damages must be from storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides dating back to July 7, 2023.
- The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has announced they will be going door-to-door contacting storm victims and reminding businesses they are eligible to apply for SBA low-interest loans. They will be wearing SBA Disaster Assistance shirts or jackets and have Federal ID cards. They will not ask you for any personally identifiable or financial information.
- The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offers two different loans, Physical Disaster Loans and Economic Injury Loans. Eligibility is determined by county.
- Nonprofits Requesting Volunteer Support: Volunteer requests can be emailed to [email protected]. Please include the following information in your email:
- As much detail as possible about what kind of volunteer assistance is needed.
- How many volunteers are needed and if there are specific skillsets that would be helpful.
- If there is a specific call to action or if you’d prefer for your nonprofit to follow up with volunteers with direction if/when they are needed.
- Point of contact and contact info in case of questions.
- Still waiting to receive your ERTC tax credit? Please contact the Taxpayer Advocate Service Office: 128 Lakeside Ave. Suite 204 Burlington, VT 05401 United States, Phone 802-859-1052. You can also call the Taxpayer Advocate Service toll-free at 877-777-4778, or fill out Form 911, Request for Taxpayer Advocate Service Assistance PDF, and fax or mail it to the address provided.
Upcoming Events & Training
- Flood Response Updates from Gov. Scott (Facebook)
- Recorded Events:
- ACCD recently hosted a webinar with FEMA, the SBA, businesses and nonprofits titled “FEMA & the SBA During a Disaster Response”. Watch the webinar here to learn more about federal assistance and what these organizations do and don’t do in an emergency. When viewing the webinar, to access a variety of language translations you can toggle the closed captioning via the settings button.
- Webinar: Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program Recording: The Department of Economic Development is hosting a webinar Wednesday, August 2 at 10:00 a.m. to go over eligibility requirements, walk through a sample application, and answer questions. Visit the event page for details on how to join the webinar. Following the webinar, a recording will be posted to the site.
- VCRD Series: Following the Local Flood Response and Recovery: Sharing Needs, Resources, and Plans for the Future discussion, VCRD organized a series of conversations and workshops to help support communities as they recover from the recent catastrophic flooding. Watch the recordings here.
Response, Recovery, & Preparedness Resources
- Contingency Planning Checklist NFP (Download)
- TechSoup disaster planning
- After a Disaster: The Essentials of Nonprofit Communication
- Underappreciated Elements of Nonprofit Disaster Preparedness Planning
- Natural Disaster Tax Relief (National Council of Nonprofits)
- Crisis Response Toolkits (National Council of Nonprofits)
Giving & Volunteering Information
- Find Your Local United Way Chapter to Give: The devastation caused by recent flooding has displaced thousands of Vermonters and closed hundreds of businesses. The long-term impact of these losses is only just being realized. While some counties are currently experiencing more loss than others, every United Way in the state is raising funds in a coordinated effort to ensure Vermonters get the help they need to respond, recover, and rebuild. Please support your local United Way’s effort to get help where it’s needed most by giving today!
- Green Mountain United Way: (Caledonia, Essex, Orleans, Orange, and Washington Counties)
- United Way of Lamoille County
- United Way of Rutland County (Rutland and Bennington Counties)
- United Way of Windham County
- United Way of Addison County
- United Way of Northwest VT (Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties)
- Granite United Way (Windsor County)
- Support the Vermont Community Foundation’s Flood Response & Recovery Fund 2023
- Vermont Flood Relief: A Town-by-Town List (Happy Vermont)
- Volunteer (information sourced from
- Community Volunteers:
Volunteers are needed. Register at so the team at SerVermont can match you with missions in communities around the State. Once registered, you may receive notice of volunteer missions in your area and you can respond with your availability for that mission to aid in coordination of assets. Please be patient. Connecting volunteers to missions can take some time as communities begin the recovery process. This effort is not intended to replace grass roots local volunteer efforts and non-residential efforts. We continue to encourage Vermonters to join local efforts as they arise. It is often most effective to volunteer with local organizations you are already affiliated with. - Voluntary Organizations & Coordination Efforts:
There are many organizations both within Vermont and those that operate nationally, active and inbound to assist communities. Please do not self-deploy. If you are a Volunteer Organization operating in Vermont on any mission including sheltering, feeding, bulk distribution of supplies, emotional & spiritual care, donations management, pets, or others, we ask that you make the State Emergency Operations Center Aware by emailing [email protected] so we can connect Vermonters to your services.
- Community Volunteers:
News and Policy
- Natural Disasters Underscore Need for Charitable Giving Incentives (Common Good VT)
- Biden approves major disaster declaration for Vermont, Buttigieg to survey damage next week (VT Digger)
- Flood-related unemployment benefits available, but state urges claimants to wait until Wednesday to file (VT Digger)
As Common Good Vermont is a program of the United Way, we are in ongoing conversations with partners across the state; as well as state leaders and departments. Please visit this page regularly as we update new information and resources. Email [email protected] with recommendations or questions.