Keeping Track of State ARPA Spending

The National Conference of State Legislatures launched a database, ARPA State Fiscal Recovery Fund Allocations, to illustrate the ways states are utilizing their share of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. The database provides detailed information on actions in each of the 50 states and DC, broken down into 15 subject areas and updated daily.

For example, the category “Economic Relief and Development” lists 27 actions in nine states so far, including an Alaska $20 million grant program to offset nonprofit lost revenues and $10 million program for Louisiana nonprofits and small businesses. A search for the word “nonprofit” identifies five actions in four states, e.g., a $221.9 million program for rental assistance and project-based vouchers for nonprofit housing providers and related services.

Check this resource often to learn what your state policymakers view as priorities.

Click here and search “Vermont” for an overview of State Fiscal Recovery Fund Allocations.