Federal and state public policy impacts all nonprofits. Advocacy is an important means to make a difference for our organizations, mission, and those we serve.
Common Good Vermont is part of the National Council of Nonprofits advocating on behalf of a nonprofits locally and federally.
Read: Nonprofit Public Policy Agenda
Common Good Vermont’s Policy Platform
Common Good Vermont (CGVT) focuses on policy issues affecting all nonprofits with attention to operations, equity, development and employment. Generally speaking, CGVT will not take a position on issues impacting only one mission area, unless the issue sets a precedent that could affect all nonprofits.
In pursuit of a thriving nonprofit sector able to contribute to the wellbeing of Vermont, our advocacy is guided by the core principals and policy positions outlined as follows:
Supporting Nonprofits’ Ability to Serve People & Communities
- Workforce Development: CGVT supports policies that encourage workforce participation and nonprofit employment including increasing funding to support jobs in the nonprofit sector; workforce development and recruitment programs targeting nonprofit employment; and promoting retention through expanding employee and public benefit programs.
- Nonprofit Operations: CGVT supports policies that reduce or eliminate administrative burdens and expenses for nonprofits and policies that benefit nonprofit employers and employees. CGVT will provide feedback on existing and proposed regulatory and legislative policies impacting the nonprofit sector.
- Tax Policy & Charitable Giving: CGVT supports policies that encourage charitable giving and volunteerism. CGVT opposes policies that weaken the tax-exempt status of nonprofits or create new taxes, fees, or payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTS) on tax-exempt nonprofits.
Strengthening Community Impact Through Partnerships and Building Trust
- Government Grant & Contract Reforms: CGVT supports policies that strengthen government-nonprofit partnerships by making government grants and contracts financially viable, equitable and accessible for Vermont nonprofits. CGVT supports state investments in the nonprofit sector, including but not limited to relief aid, workforce support, and capacity building funding.
- Nonprofit Sector & Workforce Data: CGVT supports increased nonprofit sector-specific data tracking and transparency; access to nonprofit employment and employer data information; and timely information related to nonprofit employers and the role they play in our economy and greater employment systems.
- Promoting Civic Engagement: CGVT supports policies that protect and expand voting rights; encourage civic engagement; preserve advocacy and lobbying rights for nonprofits; and center equity and inclusion.
Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions to engage in advocacy with Common Good Vermont in support of the sector!
Latest Policy and Advocacy Updates
Common Good Vermont shares frequent policy updates and calls to action through our blog, with regular updates during the legislative session. Recent posts are included below. View all policy and advocacy updates HERE.
- Legislative Update 3/14/25Today, March 14th, is the crossover deadline, when bills must be voted out of their committee(s) of jurisdiction to pass from one legislative …
- Nonprofit Collaborative SurveyFrom Sarah Henshaw, Leaves of Change VT As we enter a darker time with reductions in funding, ability to do our critical work, …
- 2025 Town Meeting Day UpdateVermont’s longstanding tradition of Town Meeting Day (TMD), where communities come together to discuss and vote on important local issues, persists but has …
- Committee Hearing on State Grants BillOn Wednesday, the House Government Operations Committee took up H. 233 – An act relating to requirements for State-funded grants. They heard from …
- New Bill Would Modernize State’s Grant and Contracting Processes to Improve Services for Vermonters in Uncertain TimesRepresentative Kate Nugent of South Burlington has introduced a bill, H. 233, An act relating to requirements for State-funded grants, to modernize how …
Advocacy vs. Lobbying
True or false? “Nonprofits cannot advocate!” False. Nonprofits can, and should, inform and educate lawmakers around issues impacting their missions.
Most people think that advocacy and lobbying are synonymous. Lobbying is a form of advocacy, but there are so many more ways to advocate for your nonprofit’s mission. It all begins with the simple question of why your nonprofit exists. Does it exist to file forms with the IRS every year? Or to solve a problem in your community?
Curious about the difference between lobbying and advocacy? Watch this video:
Is your organization a 501(c)(3) interested in lobbying? Watch the basics.
Everyday Advocacy
Advocacy involves “solving problems.” Who can do it? Everyone, especially board members who can Stand For Your Mission. This is particularly true for Vermont!
We refer to our State House as the People’s House. The State House is a hub of activity year-round and visitors are always welcome (pending COVID-19 restrictions). Policymakers are accessible in a way that they are not in other states (Tip: Visit the State House in legislative session to have lunch, take a tour, and meet and say hello to our state leaders)!
Everyday advocacy works. It’s easy. It’s fun. And it’s effective in advancing a nonprofit’s mission. We see proof every day when we drive safely along roads with painted divided lines, as we drink purer water and breathe cleaner air, and in countless other ways, thanks to nonprofits that advanced their missions through advocacy.
Throughout our nation’s history, advocacy by nonprofit organizations has led to fundamental reforms that have saved and improved lives and strengthened communities. At all levels of public and private decision making, nonprofits have made a positive difference through everyday advocacy. The tendency to measure legislative “success” by simply counting the number of good bills passed and bad bills defeated can overlook other invaluable victories.
Case Study: This Florida story reminds us that true legislative success can come in a variety of shapes and forms, including nonprofits becoming friends with policymakers. Read Case Study “Making Friends – Before They Are Needed: ‘It’s Hard to Say ‘No’ to a Friend.’“
Proof that it is legal:
Arguably, the most important public policies we have in the United States have come from nonprofit organizations lobbying for their causes…. These achievements may be largely attributed to the strong leadership of executive directors and board members who knew that direct service alone would not change the flawed or missing public policies that contributed to the problems their organizations were trying to alleviate. –David F. Arons, in Nonprofit Governance and Management
Read the laws here to see for yourself how the U.S. Constitution, Congress, and the IRS have protected the rights of nonprofits to engage in advocacy and legislative lobbying. See the confirmations from informed lawyers, accountants, and others that you have the legal right to advocate to advance your nonprofit’s mission. And explore the easy ways to comply and protect your rights.
- Read Federal Law Protects Nonprofit Advocacy: Nonprofit advocacy and lobbying are perfectly legal. But don’t feel like you have to believe us – read for yourself how the U.S. Constitution, Congress, and the IRS have protected the rights of nonprofits to engage in advocacy and legislative lobbying.
- Read The Free & Easy 501(h) Election: Sometimes called the best, easiest, and cheapest insurance in America, this little known form can simplify life for most 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofits advancing their missions through advocacy.
- Read Benefits of Filing the 501(h) Election: For most charitable nonprofits, electing the expenditure test by filing Form 5768 will provide many benefits, including that it’s easier and safer.
- Review IRS Publication 4421: Compliance Guide for 501(c)(3) Public Charities (Pages 4-8)
Introduction to Public Policy & Advocacy in Vermont
The Vermont General Assembly is the state legislature of Vermont. The Legislature is formally known as the “General Assembly,” but the title of “Legislature” is commonly used, including by the body itself. The Legislature is a bicameral assembly, consisting of the 150-member Vermont House of Representatives and the 30-member Vermont State Senate.
Members of the House are elected by single and two-member districts. 66 districts choose one member, and 42 choose two, with the term of service being two years. The Senate includes 30 Senators, elected by 13 multi-member districts.
A complete list of legislators, their Committees and Calendar of activities and public hearings can be found at the Vermont Legislative website. http://www.leg.state.vt.us/
You can follow the introduction of bills here.
During Legislative Session:
Do you have an opinion on Legislation under consideration this legislative session? If you are interested in testifying and/or visiting a Committee:
- Explore https://legislature.vermont.gov
- Review Bills that have been Introduced when the session starts: https://legislature.vermont.gov/bill/search/2024
- Check the list of Standing Committees to determine the name of the Chair or Clerk at http://legislature.vermont.gov/committee/list/2024
- Check their Calendar to find out what will be discussed when you are there (typically published the Friday before and subject to change): http://legislature.vermont.gov/home/noteworthy/legislative-schedule/
- In the meantime, reach out to the Committee Chair or Clerk and let them know that you are interested in speaking with them!
Next Steps:
Visit Commongoodvt.org and subscribe to Vermont Nonprofit News enewsletter to stay informed about key sector issues and legislation. Common Good Vermont also offers annual advocacy trainings and hosts Nonprofit Legislative Day at the Statehouse in Montpelier. Email [email protected] with any questions or to get involved!
Here are some useful resources to help you make the most of your advocacy efforts this session.
1. Plan Ahead
Reach out to your legislators, sit in on virtual and in-person Committee meetings or informative panels, and seek out opportunities to network with policymakers.
2. Make contact with your legislators.
Reach out to your the Legislators from your home district or those with an influence on issues you care about. Ask to schedule a virtual get together. Check the Legislative Directory to find them. See the Tips for Contacting Your Legislators, below.
4. Testify on a bill that concerns you.
Do you have an opinion on Legislation under consideration? Get your name, organization and cause on the legislative radar. If you are interested in testifying and/or visiting a Committee:
- Review Bills that have been Introduced: https://legislature.vermont.gov/bill/search/2024
- Check the list of Standing Committees to determine the name of the Chair or Clerk at http://legislature.vermont.gov/committee/list/2024
- Check their Calendar to find out what will be discussed when you are there (typically published the Friday before and subject to change): http://legislature.vermont.gov/home/noteworthy/legislative-schedule/
- In the meantime, reach out to the Committee Chair or Clerk and let them know that you are interested in speaking with them.
5. Share Your Voice!
Demonstrate to lawmakers, the press and the public that the nonprofit sector is strong and united. Below are strategies for raising awareness:
- Tell colleagues, volunteers, funders and friends about Nonprofit issues!
- Get Busy on Social Media! Follow and tag us on social media www.facebook.com/CommonGoodVT.org, follow twitter.com/commongoodvt and use the Twitter hashtag #npvt and #vtleg to expand your virtual reach.
- Send a press release or Write an Op-Ed notifying the media on the issue you are advocating on and the importance of Vermont’s nonprofit sector! Here is a list of VT MEDIA sources for you to use. Don’t forget to include your local papers, radio stations and public access channels. It all helps to spread the word!
6. Follow these quick tips for reaching out to your legislators.
- Find them here: VT Legislative Directory
- Phone Call Script
- Email Template
a. Sample Phone Call Script
Hello Representative/Senator NAME,
I’m calling in honor of Vermont’s nonprofit sector, to discuss upcoming legislation impacting my nonprofit. I would like to set up a virtual meeting or call with you at your earliest convenience.
b. Email Template
Dear (Representative/Senator) NAME,
I’ll be in the State House from ___ to ____ and I would love to set up a time to meet with you to share [ORG NAME’s] legislative concerns, which include [key policy issues]. I will follow up with a phone call to see if we can choose a specific meeting time.
I am [NAME], [TITLE] at [ORG] and we are raising awareness on key issues impacting nonprofits this session. Our sector provides deep contributions nonprofits make to Vermont’s economy and quality of life, and we are proud to be a part of this important sector.
I would love to set up a time to meet with you to share [ORG NAME’s] goals, which include [GOALS]. I will follow up with a phone call to see if we can choose a specific meeting time.
Vermont’s nonprofit sector accounts for $6.5 billion in revenue of the state of Vermont. Providing a wide variety of services and essential programs, Vermont nonprofits are absolutely vital to our all of our well being. The nonprofit sector is a huge contributor to the economy, making up approximately 20% of Vermont’s Gross State Product. We are asking for your support in drafting legislation that supports nonprofits and those we serve.
Thank you for your time and for your service to the State of Vermont!
c. Tips for Legislator Virtual Call or Meeting
- Start on time. Be prepared, and polite.
- Start by concisely introducing your organization. Include the following information: Who you are/ What your organization does/ What you need from your legislator/ A reference to the fact sheet you have prepared
- If they are at your facility, consider arranging a short activity that will showcase the work of your organization and allow your legislator to see your staff or volunteers in action.
- Don’t attack the legislator for his/her record on your issue(s), and don’t disparage government or politics.
- Don’t use technical terms or acronyms, unless you are certain that your legislator will understand them.
- If you don’t know the answer to a question, say you’ll find out and get back to him/her – and follow through.
- Before they leave, ask how you can be of help to them.
- Thank thank for their time and support.