Vermont Creative Futures Grant Program: Round 2

The Vermont Arts Council is now accepting applications for Round 2 of its Creative Futures Grants to help the creative sector recover from economic losses due to the pandemic.

Grants of up to $200,000 will be available to creative sector nonprofits and for-profit entities that can demonstrate economic harm caused by or exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Grant amounts, which will be based on 2019 (pre-pandemic) operating revenue, may be used to cover a wide range of regular operating expenses, including payroll and office expenses; rent, mortgage, and utilities; and costs associated with ongoing Covid-19 mitigation and prevention. 

The creative sector economy is defined as the collective enterprises, organizations, and individuals whose products and services are rooted in artistic and creative content. Seven segments comprise Vermont’s creative economy: culture and heritage; design; film and media; literary arts & publishing; performing arts; specialty foods; and visual arts and crafts.

Grants are offered in three rounds. The deadline for Round 2 applications is Feb. 28, and the final deadline will be in June 2023.

Applications that are not funded in one round may be re-considered in the next round. Refer to grant guidelines, the application preview, and the program FAQs on the grant page at

Learn More & Apply

Read the press release announcing Round 1 Creative Future Awards HERE.